Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Stef!

How 'bout them VCU Rams?!! Let's go TARHEELS!

Oh, how I love Fridays! I've had a massage, a shower, and Sloan will be here all weekend!! And I spent the whole morning napping.

I have now been in the hospital for one month. All the doctors are pleasantly surprised that I have kept labor at bay this long. They keep telling me that I'm doing a great job. I suppose that all of my lolling prior to my admission to the hospital was just training for the serious lolling I'm doing now. I have, however, become quite the self-sufficient patient. I've mastered the bedpan, moving my bed up and down, maneuvering my 8 pillows without any falling on the floor, and I do all of this with my bed tilted to a 30 degree angle.

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