Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Real Crappy Conversation

It's my own fault.  While at the beach, bathing the kids meant literally hosing them off in the outdoor shower at the Beach House.  (Which worked well for Gracie. We were able to sort of power wash her folds.)  So we needed to bathe the kids.  And because Henry had spent all day locked in his car seat, I let him play with all of his bath toys while I put away the towels and emptied his dop kit.   

Henry:  Mommy?  What's dis?
Me:  Huh?
Henry:  Dis?  (Henry is holding in his hands a large turd.  And I mean LARGE.  And slimy.)
Me:  Oh my gosh.  Henry, that's poop!  Put it down.
Henry:  It's brown. 
Me:  (Searching for the slotted kitchen spoon that found its way to the bathtub.)  Henry put down the poo.  (He starts to smash it into the side of the tub.) But don't smash it.  Here put it in the spoon.  Yuck, Henry.
Henry:  Poopy go in the potty.
Me:  Yes, Henry.  Let's go take a shower wash down in Mommy's shower.  You have poo-water all over you.
Henry:  Henry go poopy in da baftub and Mommy put it in da potty.  Now Henwe go to da wash down.  Poop poop!!

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