Monday, May 3, 2010

Demo Derby

My dining room.  That shiny thing on the right is the fridge. 
After eating breakfast in here, Henry said, "Mommy, it smart to move milk close to da table."  Thanks for having a good attitude, buddy!

This is my current living room.  Not much living being done in here. 
Today's demo was super noisy.  They had thought they'd be removing only three layers of super cool vinyl floors. False.  6 layers. 
Groovy faux slate vinyl found at the bottom of the foyer.  Didn't think to get a pick of the last layer in the kitchen.  It was uber 70s orange, green, and yellow, faux Mexican vinyl.  Even uglier than the version of this we had in the kitchen in our old condo--a feat I once thought impossible.

Being held hostage upstairs in Mommy's room.  And to answer all of your questions...
Yes, Gracie is trying to roll under the bed.  She rolls around everywhere as though she was Tina Turner on her Proud Mary tour.
Yes, That is the little round table I had when I was a little kid. 
Yes, Henry is pointing at the camera telling me not to take his picture.
Yes, I took the picture anyways.
And, finally, yes, those are the ugliest curtains known to man in the background.  Courtesy of the previous owner.

Shockingly, both of my kiddos were still able to nap. Despite the loud banging.  This is shocking as G is teething and not normally a good napper.  (Who cares?  She is never cranky and sleeps from 7:30pm-9am!!!)  But halfway through Henry's nap I heard yelling from H's room.  "Mommy!!  Mommy!!!  I need you."  "Yes, Henry, what do you need?"  "I know Mommy sick, but I need kiss.  Can you kiss my head?"  "Yes, I can kiss the top of your head."  "Now  kiss my feet?"  "Yes, I can kiss your feet."  "I wuv you, Mommy.  Henwe can rest now." 

The end of day one.
Tomorrow the painters are supposed to come to paint the walls and ceiling.  But we discovered that the previous light fixture was hung askew and the light box needs to be moved and a new hole cut.  My contractor is trying to get someone in there Wednesday, and I haven't been able to get in touch with the painter to see if he can paint the walls tomorrow and the ceiling on Thursday, pushing the cabinet install to Friday.  But my painter is awesome, so I'm praying this doesn't turn into a whammie. 

Oh, and where is Sloan during all of this?  Playing 36 holes of golf in the annual YoungLife Golf tournament. 
Please don't think ill of me when I smirk if he is sore tomorrow...

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