Monday, May 17, 2010

Henry is a big, big boy

If you ask Henry if he is a big boy, he will emphatically tell you, "No.  Henwe a big, big boy."  He got this terminology from Thomas and the Big Big Bridge.  More and more I realize, with both pride and sadness, that he is growing up so fast and needing me less and less. 

No.  We're not out of diapers.  We hopped off the potty train after the 10 hour car ride to Florida and a bout with bum strep.  As in, Henry had strep in his nether regions.  But other than that, I feel like I am the parent of a twelve year old.

Yesterday, he refused to wear what I picked out for him for church.  It was a pair of madras overalls with a little tug boat applique on the chest.  He informed us that it was a baby outfit and he needed to wear pants. 

He can pretty much dress himself.  Of course, when doing so, he will always put on a Thomas T-shirt, elastic waistband shorts, and his "Dragon" crocs.  (He has a pair of the World Cup Soccer crocs.  He picked them out himself at the shoe store.  Apparently, we're rooting for Korea.)

Not only does he not need to be reminded to clean up his room after naptime, he can create his own Thomas train track scenarios with no help.  And we're not talking simple circles.  He's using Tidmouth shed, a cave, the aquaducts, and the turn table. 

He prays for the meal.  Okay, so he doesn't use verbs.  He justs says, "Jesus, food.  Amen."  But God knows what he is talking about. He pushes in his chair after a meal.  He takes his fork and big boy cup to the sink without having to be asked. 

He has a favorite Bible story which he acts out at least once a day--Daniel and the Lion's Den.  He will not, however, act it out upon request.  It is just something he does when he is playing by himself and I overhear the following coming from the family room.  "Daniel pway to God.  King say (in angry voice) "No, pway to me!"  Daniel sweep with Lions.  God make Lions sleepy.  ROAR.  ROAR.  ROAR. King say "Wake up Daniel, It's morning!!  God save you!"  Now sing Jesus Love Me."  And then he proceeds to sing Jesus Loves Me.  I love that he tells himself to sing.  It is the most adorable thing I have ever heard in my life.  Cuter than a box of puppies, I tell you.

He stays with me in stores with little redirection.  (And by little redirection I mean that about every three minutes I have to say, "Henry, stay with Mommy.")  He refuses to ride in the front of the cart anymore and when I went to our new Martin's store and saw that they had no car-carts, I was very afraid.  I reminded Henry, "You need to stay near Mommy.  Stay where you can see me.  If you can't see me, then I can't see you and not seeing you makes me sad."  Of course, this makes the shopping last longer because he is the slowest grocery shopper on the planet.  He has to touch every item like he is Adrian Monk. He also likes to help push the cart, never mind that he cannot see over its top.  In the cereal aisle, he looked at a box of Fruit Loops like a dog eyeing a T-bone.  Upon the reminder that red makes him sick, he said, "Then can we get Cheerios?"

Upon getting home from the grocery store this afternoon, he said, "Mommy, it STILL raining.  Can Henwe put on PJs and look at books in bed?"  I hugged him so tight he coughed, saying, "Henry, that is a wonderful idea!"  And then, after rest time, I tought him how to play hide and seek.  He loved it.  Of course, each and every time he hid beneath a blue blanket, but still, he has reached the age where we can play games.

He helped me to put Gracie to bed tonight.  He rubbed her back and sang her "Jesus loves me" after I read the two of them Angelina Ballerina.  And before I put her in her crib, he hugged her, gave her a zerbert, and said, "I wuv you Gracie."  She is the only person in the family who gets unsolicited declarations of love. 

And he has started making up his own prayers.  Usually, I say something and then he repeats it.  Not so tonight.  This was my son's prayer tonight.

Me:  Dear Jesus
Henry: Dear Jesus
Me:  Thank you for today.
Henry:  Tank you today.
Me:  Thank you for Mommy.
Henry:  Tank you for Thomas.
Me:  Thank you for Mommy.
Henry:  Tank you for Percy.  (Giggle)
Me:  Thank you for Mommy.
Henry:  Tank you for Wall-E.  (More giggles)
Me:  Thank you for Daddy?
Henry:   Tank you for Pwincess and da Fwog.
Me:  Thank you for baby Grace?
Henry:  (screaming)  TANK YOU FOR GWACIE!!! SHE IS PRETTY!!!
Me:  (laughing)  And please keep Daddy safe in North Carolina.
Henry:  Daddy safe.  Pwease have fun at beach.  AH-MEN.
Me:  Amen.

Me:  You sort of went off book tonight Henry.  That's cool.
Henry:  I know.  Henwe cool.

My little apple, you have not fallen far from the tree.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Oh, I love the prayer! So cute. I have a great mental image of Henry acting out the story of Daniel. That's very cool. Isn't it amazing how quickly things change? One minute you're having to heft them up into the car seat, the next minute you're teaching them how to buckle their own seat belts once they crawl up there.

It does warm my heart to know that mine is not the only little boy out there who thanks the Lord every night for Thomas and all his friends. Anne prefers to stick with body parts. "Tank you eyebrows, tank you nose," etc.

Who knew this mom stuff would be so funny?