Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Funny Boys

Yesterday we went to Brookgreen Gardens.  Part botanical sculpture gardens, part zoo, part park.  And great source of entertainment.

Sloan:  One of the great things about having two kids in diapers is that you can rip one in public and just blame it on the kids.

In the butterfly house:
Henry:  I wanna give da butterfly a fist bump. (Which he did.  Right in front of the lady who told us not to touch the butterflies.)

In the aviary:
Sloan:  This place is scary as hell.  It's dark.  We're in a swamp.  In a cage with a bunch of big birds.  Did you see Jurassic Park 3?  It happened in a place like this.

Seeing a fox in the tree:
Henry: Would you eat it in a box?  Would you eat it with a fox?  I do not like dem Sam I am. 

(And just as a side note, foxes really smell.)

And it is quite possible that Henry is ruining Gracie for my future son-in-law.  No less than 30 times during breakfast this morning he told Gracie, "Gwacie I wuv you."  Sometimes he even is quite militant about it.  "Gracie!  I wuv you.  Do you hear me?  I wuv you!"


Kristie said...

How do you ever get anything done??? With a family this hysterical I'd never get up off the floor from laughing.

Courtney said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE these! You must keep this up...a continuing series on the funny things your family says!

Hope you are having a blast on vacation!