Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just a Few Questions...

How does Henry manage to get uneaten peas and bits of salami in his diaper when he is wearing a onesie?

Why does Henry act like Tom Cruise in "Mission Impossible" in his Johnny Jump Up rather than bouncing around?

How does Henry know the days that Daddy is doing morning duty and then choose to sleep in?

How come Daddy has never gotten peed on? Has he threatened to pee on Henry?

Is it a bad thing if I feed Henry Cheerios at every meal? Does it help if they're organic?

Is it necessary for Henry to mash his food in his hair? Is this some sort of product he is using to hide his curls? Has Daddy saying he has a mullet hurt his feelings? (IT IS NOT A MULLET!)

Is it really bad if cyberstalking friends on Facebook has made me long for Little Frat Court, Doug Clark and the Hot Nuts, my family tree from ZTA, the boys from KA, and a 5th of Southern Comfort? Does this make me a bad mom? What if I get a babysitter?

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