Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ho, Ho, Ho

Originally I had planned for Henry to wear his fancy embroidered Christmas church outfit for his Santa photo. But I put it on (a minor miracle as it has real buttons as opposed to snaps and the shirt buttons into the little plaid pants) only to realize that my son sort of looks, well, how do I put this, girly. So I dug out a hand me down Christmas tie. I did not want to immortalize Henry in his Santa photo looking like a sissy-boy.

(Note to self, Henry is now to big for fancy dancy outfits.)

But I mean, how cute is my little drummer boy in his tie? Where did my baby go? I think this is a complete turn around from the stoner look he was rockin' in his vans last year.

Also, what's with the "Season's Greetings" at the bottom of the card. Can't they just say Merry Christmas? Who takes their kids to see Santa that is offended by Christmas? Geesh, people. Michael Scott says it best---"Happy Birthday, Jesus! Sorry your party is so lame..."


Audrey said...

He's such a little man! I can't believe how much Henry has grown since we moved!!!

mollie said...

he might be the only toddler i know not terrified of santa. way to go henry!

Courtney said...

So cute!