Thursday, November 10, 2011

Train Day

Last weekend we went to Ashlan's 9th Annual Train Day.  I highly recommend it for anyone in the Richmond area.  Ashland is a small town that the train tracks bisect, so in addition to the train tables and stories at the library, trolley rides around town, multiple model and lego train displays,  and general fall fair activities, every 20 minutes or so an actual train choo-choos its way through the entire affair.  

I had high hopes for the day and left trying to convince Sloan we needed to move to Ashland.  He reminded me it was probably 20 minutes to the nearest Target and that perhaps in addition to a fantasy where I'm really fancy, I also have a false self that is rural, rustic, and bakes bread.  I added that in the rural fantasy I also drive a big red pick up truck, only wear long dresses and wellies, and that similar to the fancy fantasy, I am thin.  Without even trying.  Or perhaps it is from all the organic farming I'm doing. was a blast.  It is certainly going to become a Phillips family tradition and perhaps a future destination for one on one Henry lunch dates.  

My boys.  You know, standing on the train tracks.  

The train!  The train!

It's really LOUD MOMMY!!!

 We're riding in the train car thing Mommy!  What's this called?  
I don't know; train car thing sounds good to me.

The kids played in the library with the train tables while my darling husband waited in line for 45 minutes so we could ride the tractor train ride.  

Thank goodness it was only a short wait for the giant Train inflatable.

We brought some Halloween candy for snacks.  (Or lunch.)

Some of the Lego trains.  It was a Harry Potter theme.  (Notice the Knight Bus.)  

It breaks my heart to think that P3 (yes, that's for the Phillips' 3rd kid) most likely won't be here in time to join us for the 10th Annual Ashland Train Day. 

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