Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving at the Asylum


I am at my parents’ house in NC for close to a week.  With my sister and her brood.  So, for those of you doing the math, that is 6 adults and 12 children.  The ages are as follows: Matthew and Gracie (2), Henry (4), Isabel (5), Jonathan (8), Joshua (10), Rebekah (12), Rachel (14), Caleb (16), and Anderson (18).  I’m sure that my 18 and 16 year old nephews would argue that they are adults.  False.  And then on Thursday, we’ll also have my brother’s crew over here which will add Natalie (7), Caroline (10), Sarah Grace (13), and William (15).  

So we are outnumbered 2 to 1.  Even more so when you add to the fact that I tend to feel about 12 years old when I’m at my folks’ house.  

But either way, it’s crazy up in here.  There are tents and sleeping bags in the playroom.  I think my niece just broke her toe leaping off the elliptical machine.  You know, the one she was forbidden to play on.  Ice cream was served at 9pm.  To the kids who are accustomed to going to bed at 7:30.  

So for day 21, I am thankful for wine.  Lots and lots of wine.

You’ll also understand why the blog posts may be scant this week.  It tends to ruffle feathers when I take time away to write.  Or read.  Or work out.  Or go to the bathroom.  Also, my husband requested to be mentioned in this post.  By name.  His name is Sloan.  And here I am, mentioning him. 

1 comment:

Ali Foley Shenk said...

I miss you already! Sounds like fun even among all the chaos. Reminds me of Bob's family's cabin in northern CA. Serious piling up of craziness. :)