Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hooked on Phonics

Remember when I was worried that Henry wasn't talking?  Hmmmm, yeah, what was I thinking?  Not only does he talk all the time, he has proven that perhaps he is too smart for his own good.

If Henry has been in the right mood and you live in Richmond, you may have heard Henry perform my favorite trick of his.  This is the correctly identify all the letters of the alphabet and their sounds routine.  It goes like this...

ME:  Henry, what does an A say?
HENRY:  aaaa
ME:  What does a B say?

And so on.  That's right, folks, my two year old knows all the letters of the alphabet by sight and their phonetic sounds.  He has even, of his own accord, begun to sound words out.  Important words like "Wal-Mart",  "Gas", and "ESPN". 

So as if his running away from me in McAlister's Deli yesterday wasn't enough to grab disaproving stares, his screaming later during the meal took the cake. 

Close up on me, Henry, and Gracie in car seat at a table in McAlister's Deli.  Across from the boy's high chair, is a television screen hanging from the ceiling.

HENRY:  H!  L!  N!

ME:  (Turns to find out what he is screaming about)Yes, Henry, the TV is turned to HLN, Headline News.

HENRY:  S!  E!  X!  S!  E!  X!   sssssssss eeehhhhh  cs  cs  cs.  ssss  eh?  cs!  Sex!

ME:  (Turning)  What the?!?  (Notices that according to the headline across the bottom, they are running a story on Sex Offenders.)  Good job, Henry.  You are reading.  Now can you stop screaming?

HENRY:  S!  E!  X!

ME:  I'll give you my chips if you stop screaming.

HENRY:  Okay.  (whispers)  S.  E.  X.

ME:  Awesome.  Thanks for obeying me, buddy.


Anonymous said...

We are so proud when our children begin to speak and read. And at some point you will share in my revelation of horror when they can read the tabloids out loud at the checkout stands and as they become chattier you relish in the memories of when they could not speak and silence was truly golden...

Audrey said...

Oh my goodness!! Hysterical!