Friday, January 8, 2010

4th Annual Carolina Girls New Year's Bash

Jenna Cowley (3) holds sweet baby Grace. 
Can you tell she is a professional big sister?  Look at the way she is holding Grace's head.

Every year some of my sorority sisters get together in Huntersville, NC for New Year's.  We didn't last year because, apparently, being 38 weeks pregnant meant Janell couldn't host.  Boo.  If it weren't for the fact that she once hosted us 2 days post emergency gall bladder removal surgery, she'd be dead to me.  For my college friends who read this, in attendance were Janell (Swindler) Cowley, Margaret (Gilbert) Harkness, Adrianne (Helms) Morris, Lori Beth (Bohannon) Sanbourn, and me.  That's ten adults, one dog, and nine kids 3 and under.  Unanimously, Gracie earned the best behaved child award as she was the only child who did not have a meltdown at some point in the weekend.  Of course, the fact that she stayed in the swing pretty much the entire time helped.  Caroline Harkness (18 months) almost won it, but she tried to pull off Noah Sanbourn's (14 months) manhood.  It did not help Noah feel better about the situation when everyone started laughing at him.  Caroline's daddy Jarron wasn't too happy about the laughing, either.

Thankfully all of our husbands get along.  I'd even go so far as to say that Sloan has a bit of a man crush on my friend Margaret's husband, Jarron. 

In the past, before everyone had multiple kids, we used to line them up in Carolina garb and take photos.  Well, a photo of the mayhem while the kiddos watched Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure while we all regretted staying up past midnight is as good as it gets these days. 

Pictured (from bottom left to right):  Lori Beth with daughter Bennet (3).  Peyton (11 months) eating the remote.  Jarron holding Caroline (18 mos).  Margaret (who is going to KILL me for posting this photo).  Henry (2 1/2), Jenna (3), Ava (3), Maddy (18 mos), and Noah (14 mos).  And that's Adrianne walking in the background.


Janell Cowley said...

I just started laughing when I remembered little Caroline's tug moment. In her defense though Noah was running around in his birthday suit and she doen't have one of those!

Unknown said...

What can I say, she's my daughter. And I AM going to kill you for this pic. Could the camera have not come out the night before when we had clothes and make up on and I didn't feel like puking?

Ali said...

WOW! and i thought ours was loud and crazy with 6 adults and 7 children. Yes, the staying up till midnight continues to get harder every year.