Friday, October 30, 2009

Inclined to hear my cry

This post was supposed to be about how I took Henry to meet his baby sister yesterday.  And tell you how he was more interested in playing with the toys at the foster parent's house than meeting his baby sister.  And how sweet it was to feed my daughter a bottle.  And give her kisses and smell that sweet baby smell as she slept on my chest for 2 hours.  And maybe even post a picture or two.

Instead, it is to say that Emma's birth mom has decided to parent.  We have lost our daughter.  I am certain I will have more to say about this later.  But for now, I can simply say that I'm not really sure what to feel.  Empty?  Angry?  Confused? 

But my feelings are not a barometer for truth.  What was true yesterday is still true today:  God is for the Phillips family.  God has a plan that is glorious for our family.  And God is near to the brokenhearted.

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