Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Because nothing makes a statement quite like a squat thrust.

Someone at the gym today told me I was racist because I voted for John McCain.

It took every ounce of maturity not to yell at her, "Yeah--well you're ugly." (She wasn't.)

I'm still sort of shocked by this. For a couple of reasons. First, I'll admit that I'm overly judgemental, snobby, and sometimes elitist. But I tend to think I'm better than everybody. On the planet. And my pettiness is sinful. I recognize that and repent of it often. Because it shows me that I have an inaccurate picture of who I am, my shortcomings, and the amount of grace bestowed on me by God. That being said, I look down upon people for their clothing, behavior, parenting skills, hair-dos and the like. I don't judge people for who they are and who God has created them to be. So I take great offense to the lady in the neon running shorts telling me I'm racist.

The second reason I was offended was because I think it is insulting to Barack Obama. As if his only qualifying characteristic for the office of President is his race. I'm hopeful that even though he is not whom I thought would be best for the job, he is more than adequately qualified for the job through his service to country, leadership, charisma, and experience.

But the main reason I was offended was because it doesn't speak to the fact that no, I didn't vote for Obama, and if she really wanted to know why I would've calmly told her that I do want to "spread the wealth" but that I do that by tithing, volunteering, and donating to local charities. That I think blind charity, or government handouts, can be oppressive because how can you retain your dignity if you can't say Thank you? I also probably would've shown her the first picture I have of Henry. He is 8 cells big. And in a petri dish. And Obama co-sponsored a bill that would authorize the industrial production of embryos for use in biomedical research in which they would be killed all the while voting against using federal money in stem-cell research that does not involve the production and destruction of embryos.

But I didn't say any of these things to her. Instead, I showed my maturity, by saying "That black and red dress that Michelle Obama wore last night made her boobs look like they were on fire. And not in a good way." And then I dramatically put on my head phones and got on the leg press machine.


Ann Long said...

Way to take the high road, EJ! I would have PAID money to watch this exchange. I could not more fully agree with you...on every point.

mollie said...

you crack me up. and that dress totally did make her boobs look aflame.

Janell Cowley said...

This is just one of the many reasons why I love you for being you. I am so sick of people accusing others of being racist for not voting for Obama. Does that make them sexist for not voting for McCain/Palin? I too should hope Obama was elected for more than just his race. If not then folks are not living up to the hopes of MLK JR when he said he dreams of a world where one day a man will be judged for the content of his character and not the color of his skin.