Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inaugural Fashion Behind the Scenes

In case you didn't know, I'm a fashion expert. And by expert I mean I've watched my fair share of Project Runway, What Not to Wear, and Tim Gunn's Guide to Style. So I'm qualified to share my opinion on the Inaugural Fashion.

For starters, holy cow, Aretha. Your hat kicked so much ass I can't even begin to say how much I loved it. Where did you get it? I've never seen a store that carried bedazzled bow berets. And do you think I could pull it off? Could we please make wearing hats to church come back in style? Please. Please. I mean that thing was just begging for Prince to write a song about it. You wanted respect, and lady, you have won mine.

I've also imagined some behind the scenes conversations between Michelle and Barack. The first one goes like this...

President Obama: Dang, it's gonna be cold.
First Lady: Don't you even dare to complain about the cold. You get to wear long pants. Laura and I are stuck with bare legs in uncomfortable shoes.
P.O.: You get to wear pantyhose.
F.L.: You get to wear Long Johns.
P.O. Maybe if you thought about a coat that actually closed rather than just tying with a ribbon.
F.L.: Barack, don't test a woman in hose. At least the kids get to wear gloves.
P.O.: Seriously.

And then the conversation they had over and over while twirling to Etta James...

FL: You've got to twirl me.
PO: Are you serious? I've twirled you at 3 of these things already. Can't we come up with a new move?
FL: They don't want to see you. They want to see the dress.
PO: You mean that big ass dress I keep stepping on?
FL: It flows.
PO: It's too long.
FL: I am able to hide my Secret Service Agent under it.
PO: How practical.

I mean seriously. She looked beautiful, but I've got to say I half expected her to lift her dress and all of Mother Ginger's children to come out and start dancing the Nutcracker. That would have been some ball!

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