Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Waiting Sounds like a Banjo

It has been such a gift for our family to celebrate Advent as we begin this international adoption journey.  It is preparing our hearts to worship the true child we're all longing for.  It is teaching our hearts what hopeful waiting looks like.  It is reminding us that faithful longing is good and right and expectant. 

Our waiting is to look like a kid on Christmas eve: jumpy, expectant, sure of the good gifts that await him.  It is NOT supposed to be burdened or mopey or doubtful or fearful or impatient or certain of despair.  Faithful waiting does not look for the other shoe to drop.

My church has a blog that accompanies the sermon each week.  And since the sermon series for Advent is on waiting, the blog is loaded up with paintings and songs and readings regarding this holy expectant longing.  Prior to looking at this blog, I would've suggested that God's holy waiting soundtrack would be full of dirges.  Maybe some monks bellowing baritoned Latin.  Perhaps some slow Kenny G-esque tenor sax.  (Apparently, I believed waiting on the Lord meant God was busy with another person and had put me on hold with some Jesus-y Musak.)


The soundtrack of holy longing is frenetic.  It's toe tappin' music.  It's the kind of music that keeps you pointed to the One on whom you are waiting.  Simply put:  holy longing music usually has a banjo in it.  And perhaps a mandolin.  Better yet, both. 

So while I'm longing and waiting and hoping and praying, I'm going to be listening to this little diddy posted by my Pastor:

Trampled By Turtles-Wait So Long from Justin Gustavison on Vimeo.

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