Saturday, October 2, 2010

Best husband in the world

Can I just take a beat to brag about my husband?

We'd been talking about getting me either a Nook or a Kindle. Researching, talking with friends with eReaders and the like. This was in response to his anniversary present for me. Remember how I said I have no game face? He got me a new Classic of those ones with a billion gigs of memory. Well, I got him an iPod touch. And I'm planning on getting an iPhone when they come to Verizon. So I had no need for a mega iPod, particularly when I currently use my old 40 gig old school iPod from 2004. It's huge and literally has ALL our music on it. (Which is why shuffle is super awesome...who else gets to rock out to a mix of U2, Stevie Wonder, and oldies from high school like "Woop, Der it is" and Fiona Apple?) So when I unwrapped his gift to me, my face fell and he noted my disappointment and promptly returned it, asking what i wanted instead. Cue discussion of eReaders.

When I hadn't made a decision about what I wanted in a month, he promptly informed me he was going to get me something else. Something better. My response was that in truth, I didn't need an eReader, that I was fine.

My wonderful man's response? "This isn't about what you need, this is about what I want to get my wife. I'm giving you a bonus. Consider it your year end bonus for doing a wonderful job."
"I wouldn't be able to do my job, travel, and work as hard as i do if it weren't for you. You keep this house running and do a beautiful job. I never have to worry about what is going on at home because of how great you are. So I'm getting you an iPad."
"Honey..." (Notice the lady didn't protest too much.)

So today my sweet man took us to the Apple store and gave me my bonus. I am blogging from it right now.

It is awesome. But the most awesome thing was simply being seen. Being valued. Not just stuck at home with the kids changing diapers, folding laundry, and complaining about cooking, but part of something larger. Part of a team. And then, BOOM!, out of nowhere, being voted Most Valuable Player, when all along I thought I was just the water boy.

Remember that DeBeers commercial where the couple is in Italy, the man gives his wife a diamond as he screams, "I love this woman! I love this woman!" and then she hugs him and through tears she whispers in his ear, "I love this man! I love this man!"?

Right now, I am typing on my iPad, letting you know that I LOVE THIS MAN! I LOVE THIS MAN!

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