Monday, February 1, 2010

Snowed In

I grew up going to camp kamp every summer.  (Yes, I intentially spelled it with a k.  I went to Kanakuk, where all things begin with K.)  And each year we'd go spelunking.  At some point in the expedition, we'd all be instructed to turn out our lights.  It is very dark in caves.  We'd all sit silently in the dark trying to see if we could see our hands if we put them on our faces.  We could not.  Eventually, someone would start laughing or yelling, because in that darkness you think for a brief second, Hey, maybe I'm alone in here.  Happened every time.  With all this snow, I feel a bit like I did then--hollering to see if there is any life out there.  This cabin fever is exacerbated by Sloan being out of town for work and so I'm snowed in with the kiddos.  Yes, my driveway has been cleared as have all streets in my neighborhood.  But it is super cold and I just can't justify taking Gracie out in the cold just to get the one thing we don't have--bananas.  (No matter how much it makes my son cry at breakfast.  I had to substitute with a Chocolate Chip Zbar this morning to make it alright that Yes, we have no bananas.  We have no bananas today.)  I found myself staring at the Live feed on Facebook, willing someone to update their status.  I have won over 2 million studs on Wii Lego Star Wars.  I've done about four loads of laundry while Wii-ing, so in my mind, that makes it less dorky.  We don't need to talk about how I looked up walkthroughs on the internet. 

I don't have any cute pics of Henry in the snow.  Because it is up to his knees and it took all of 15 minutes for him to be over it.  We wore pajamas all weekend.  As in, we woke up and changed into new pajamas for the day.  We've watched Nemo and Ratatouille.  I've read every Thomas book known to man.  Twice.  We've eaten grilled cheeses for no less than three meals.  We've taken baths simply because there is nothing else to do.  Yes, I could be cleaning out my closets, cleaning the fridge, or potty training Henry.  Don't wanna.  We did, however, do some pretty good crafting tonight.

Friends, meet Henry in his "Bo-bot Box."

My mother in law sent some clothes to Sloan today in this box.  Henry was so excited because he thought it had Legos in it.  Boo hiss to the clothes.  So he stuck it on his head.  Which lit a lightbulb over mine.

And then we painted it!
I'll post pics of the final product later.

But the cutest part of the Bobot Box was the following conversation Henry had with himself while wearing it.  He was looking at his reflection in the windows along the back of our kitchen.

Who is it?  Is it Mommy?  No!  Is it Santa?  No.  Is it Jesus?  No.  It's Henwy bobot box!

(Don't you just love how he asked if it was Jesus?  I will have to remind him in a decade that he knew he wasn't God at age two...)

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