Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Best Sister-in-Law ever

Don't let Henry's face fool you.*  We love Aunt Pam.  A lot.  She's the greatest.  I think she may be the only sane person in my family.  Although, that is not really saying a lot.  But she has put up with me since I was in the third grade (my brother married his high school sweetheart). 
Also, let it be known that while I may have been too slack to actually take my kids out in the snow to buy a birthday card, the Phillips family spent some time crafting this one this morning.  And that's what counts, right?
Oh well, Happy Birthday Pam!  We love you bunches and bunches!

*The crying really is Henry's poor contract negotiation skills.  I told him he could have a new Pez if he sat nicely on the couch with his sister.  (Notice the Lightning McQueen Pez dispenser at his foot.)  Like anyone smart who hires a contractor, I only gave him half of the goods up front.  He is upset that the Pez dispenser is empty.  I guess he has a point, what good is a dispenser with no candy? 

1 comment:

The Little Bear said...

So I know you've mentioned this before, but I really noticed in this pic how big H's feet are, and look at those long fingers! He's going to be tall. Very tall :) Love that Gracie is totally unphased by H's tears. She already learning how to be the li'l sis!