Thursday, September 4, 2008

When I think about you I tag myself

My sister sent me one of those quizzes you are supposed to forward and all that jazz. I just love those things. I think it is because a chance to tell you about my favorite person (er, third favorite since Sloan and Henry came along). I stole this one from a friend's blog.

You’re feeling: hungry
To your left: bookcases
On your mind: housework to be done before my parents arrive tomorrow
Last meal included: cheesestick, diet dr. pepper, and a bowl of mini-wheats
You sometimes find it hard to: get out of bed
The weather: hot
Something you have a collection of: antique hobnail glass
A smell that cheers you up: bacon cooking
A smell that can ruin your mood: a diaper pail that needs emptying
How long since you last shaved: 5 hours
The current state of your hair: about 1 inch too short
The largest item on your desk/workspace (not computer): Greater Richmond Street Map book
Your skill with chopsticks: pretty good, can manage rice and udon noodles
Which section you head for first in a bookstore: fiction
Something you’re craving: cool weather and Chicken Curry
Your general thoughts on the presidential race: frustrating--when did everyone become socialists?
How many times have you been hospitalized this year: 0
Favorite place to go for a quiet moment: shower
You’ve always secretly thought you’d be a good: hairdresser
Something that freaks you out a little: slimy things--bugs, snakes, the hair in the shower drain
Something you’ve eaten too much of lately: ground beef (it is all we have left in the freezer)
You have never: seen the movie Schindler's List
You never want to: have a desk job

1 comment:

the reppard crew said...

let me know if you would like my recipe for curried chicken and rice casserole . . . easy to make and easy on the budget :)

love ya.