Thursday, August 9, 2012

Our Great Cloud

So I spent today scanning and emailing our dossier documents.  Several times, because apparently, I’m not so good at scanning.  Awesome.  And let us never speak of the number of times we had to go to the notary because I can’t seem to bring all the papers at one time.  My kids are thankful for all of the extra lollipops the bank gave them.

While scanning, I re-read our homestudy.  (Perhaps this is why I had to scan it three times.  Note to self: you are incapable of multitasking.  So stop trying.)  And then it struck me.  God really has been preparing us in advance for this good work He’s planning to do in our family. Sure, Scripture tells us that He does that.  But it was neat to take a pause and reflect upon it.  

There is this whole section in the homestudy about how we will handle any adversities that may arise medically or socially and how we plan to instruct our kids on the culture of the Congo. 
And folks, it’s pretty incredible.  

So I’d like to thank God and let the following people know that we see God at work in them in our lives so much that they even got ink in our homestudy:  Kim Eagle, Ali Shenk (so I need to thank Mollie Burpo for introducing us), Carrington Castle, Lisa Cox Nelson, Becky Hartman (again, Kim Forquer shout out for the FB introduction), Jennifer Farkas, Dr. Greg Childress, Dr. Beth Marshall, Dr. Gray Snowden, Cindy and Andy Schwarz, and Sarah and Max Doerfler.

You are our tangible great cloud of witnesses.  Thank you ever so much for your part in touching our hearts, educating us, and praying our family home.

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