Monday, August 13, 2012

A Change in Perspective

What if we've been going about this adoption the wrong way?  Searching the world over for the children who will fit into our family.  Scanning waiting children websites hoping to imprint on a child that pulls at some abstract maternal heart-string. 

What if, and here's a novel idea, this adoption isn't about me? 

What if the question is not what children will mesh well with our family but what children need what we have to offer?

What if this adoption is about meeting the needs of some Congolese children?

What if it isn't even about what I have to offer?  But perhaps what Henry and Grace have to offer as a brother and sister?

What if there is a little boy who needs a brother to hold his hand in school and to cheer him on? A brother who is tenderhearted and prone to compassion.

What if there is a little girl who needs a big sister to laugh with her?  To dance with her?  To share some space during an illegal bed jumping session? 

What if we just said to God "Take our meager loaves and fishes and dole them out"?  What would that look like? 

I'm not quite sure.  But I'm hopeful we will find out soon...

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