Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Resolutions...Smessolutions... (A Real Conversation)

I'm not too big on New Year's Resolutions.  For a lot of reasons.  In part because I mentally begin a new year every September, so January really seems like the middle to me.  Also because morning by morning new mercies I see, and so I think we can begin anew each day.  But mainly, if we're being honest, it's because I have the will power of a toddler. 

That being said, I do want more for 2011.  More for me, my marriage, my kids, and my community.  And well, sing it with me, "I'm starting with the man in the mirror."  (Insert high pitched hee-hee!)

I am going to listen to the words I say to my children.  No, I'm not meaning I'll stop snapping at them.  (Although I'm hoping that will be a byproduct.)  But that I will actually listen and take to heart the lessons I try to teach them.  Mainly, I'm going to start following my own rules. 

And I invite  you to join us.

What are The Phillips' family rules?  To tell you,  I will simply introduce the first Real Conversation post here.  We have this conversation multiple times a day--before we leave the house, before we get out of the car to go to birthday parties, before we go to school.  It is our personal version of the Shema--that essential prayer of belief in the one true God that we're to to teach our children when we're sitting at home, walking down the road, and bind to our foreheads and eyes.  (Because God gets that His kids need constant reminders too!)

Me:  Henry, we're going to church.  How are we to treat people?
Henry:  Show da wove of Jesus.
Me:  That's right.  You're to show your friends the love of Jesus.  How do you show the love of Jesus?
Henry:  I am kind.
Me:  And?
Henry:  I am gentle.
Me:  And?
Henry:  I am generwous.
Me:  And?
Henry:  (yelling) I TELL THE TRUTH! 
Me:  That's right, sweet boy. 
Henry:  NO!  I not sweet boy.  I'm cool boy.
Me:  (Giant eye roll)  Whatever, just show the love of Jesus...

So that's my heart's desire.  To perpetually show the love of Jesus. 
And I've got A LONG ways to go on being gentle.  Apparently, telling the truth without being gentle isn't really speaking the truth in love...or so I'm told.  ;)

1 comment:

will + adri said...

I think it's a great life's resolution - one that I am certainly working on now too. Thanks for the cute, albeit true story to accompany.