Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Board...the Crazytown Express

Yesterday, I got a note from Henry's preschool teacher that they are beginning a new unit on family and would like each student to have a family member come share a gift or talent or talk about their job or whatever. An activity that would take 15-20 minutes.  My first thought was to chastise myself about quitting guitar after only 1 lesson.  Then it was to tell Sloan he'd be a better person if he could only play guitar.  (Bonus wife points!)  But as Sloan and I discussed it, and both agreed that 3 was a little too young to hear a boring treatise on supply chain logistics, I grew discouraged.

"But I got no skills," I whined.
"Yes, you do.  You have many gifts and talents," my darling husband replied.
"Name three," I challenged.
"1.  Fishing for compliments.  2.  Writing and storytelling.  3.  Throwing a child's birthday party."
"OOooh, that reminds me," I chimed in, "I have the BEST idea for Gracie's 2nd birthday party.  The Hungriest Caterpillar.  We'd eat fruit and chocolate cake and lollipops.   I could make cupcakes and then display them to look like a wiggly caterpillar and then the kids could make coffee filter butterflies!"
"Nope,"  Sloan chuckled, "I stand corrected.  Your greatest gift is CRAZY!  But in a good way.  Creative.  But crazy, nonetheless."
"I'd agree that being able to completely remove myself from the boundaries imposed by reality is one of my better gifts.  There is the Crazytown express that leaves from the Elizabethtown station every hour.  But how would I share that with his class?" 

And it was with THAT conversation playing in my head that I headed to my meeting this morning with the State Director of Bethany Christian Services.  They are starting a local Board of Directors and have asked me to be on it.  The Director shared how she hopes to put together a Board with people from all walks of life.  With people each bringing to the table different gifts and talents and passions.  Each with different spheres of influence.  You know--a doctor, an attorney, a pastor, etc.  A butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker. 

My response?

"And you want me on the board becauuuuuuuuse....?"  (Literally.  That was my response.  I'm sure it inspired her."

Then the director proceeded to list off a list of gifts I guess I have but that help me in no way in Henry's preschool classroom--I'm a good public speaker; I have a passion for adoption; I am willing to be vulnerable; I am energetic and inspiring; I genuinely enjoy being a Mom and the company of my children; I love the Lord and am not afraid to talk about it; and I can write.  In fact, that is what she is hoping my role will be.  The writer in resident, if you will.  Apparently, the last article I wrote for the newsletter made her laugh and cry at the same time. 

She said, "We really want people to be able to serve in their passions and gifts.  Yes, it is good to get out of your comfort zone, but we are really envisioning a board of people with so many diverse gifts that all compliment one another so if you can't do fundraising, you help somewhere else.  If you are good with finances..."

"Oh," I piped up, "Let me stop you right there.  I should not be allowed to count things.  I have no background in business or accounting or finance, and that is by design.  My degrees are in Film and Television, Creative Writing, and Children's Ministries.  And I can talk in public until the cows come home.  I get that it's weird that it doesn't make me nervous, so I see that as a sign God has empowered me that way.  I also probably shouldn't talk to new people in small one on one settings.  I'm horrible at small talk.  I overshare.  Sooner or later, all my conversations end up sounding like I'm a middle school boy.  You know--body parts, body functions, and bowel movements.  So you gotta know that up front.  Have I mentioned that my son has already pooped on the potty three times this week?  We're really proud."

But still they want me.  And so even though I find it a bit hilarious, I am honored.  Humbled even.  But also thankful as it is an answer to prayer.  With Sloan and I feeling like our family is complete, it has flummoxed me how I could continue to serve in the arena of Orphan Care when I feel so strongly about it.  Here it is. 

And I won't lie.  It WAS nice to sit next to some lady and have her list off all the things she liked about me.  Kind of like the last night of camp.  But without the mosquitoes.

So I think I'm just gonna read a book to Henry's class. Perhaps, the Sneetches


Unknown said...

love planning birthday parties! heeheehee!!! just a little inspiration for you!

Courtney said...

Congratulations to Bethany for getting you to be on their board. You are going to do a fantastic job.

And my dear Elizabeth, the next time you need/want to be reminded of your gifts or just need an ego stroke you should totally turn to your blog readers, because we always think you are awesome.