Monday, June 28, 2010

8 months

This is the face that greets me most mornings. 

Ooooh, Miss Grace.  The minute I saw your face, I knew that I loved you.

What Gracie is up to these days...

*Blowing rasperries.  As in all the time she makes fart noises.  She fits in pretty well around the Phillips house.  Henry thinks it is hilarious.

*She loves the pool.  So much she has been known to fall asleep in it while floating on her back.  Of course, that's until Henry almost drowns her with kisses.

*Her bottom two middle teeth have finally erupted.  They finally broke through last Friday and it is the first time she has ever been fussy and clingy.  Normally she is all smiles and giggles.  We were in Tennessee for a family reunion and the only people she would let hold her were me, Sloan, and my nephew, Caleb.  My parents were less than happy about this.  I think there were threats bandied about her loss of smocked outfit privileges from Gigi. 

*Yoga.  She is a champ at the downward facing dog.  First she does the pre-crawling dry hump thing.  Then she pops up her heiny as though she is about to do push ups.  Then she uses her rump in the air as momentum to propel herself forward, like a runner at the blocks.  She's not crawling, just sort of flopping her body about everywhere.  I've tried getting it on video tape, but she is no circus monkey.

*She loves Thomas the Tank Engine and Pez dispensers.  Good thing we have a surplus of both around here.  Henry is cool with sharing his trains with her, just so long as she keeps her mouth off of Thomas and Lego Cranky.


the reppard crew said...

please promise me that you have lots of fantastic pictures of those THIGHS! I am obsessed!

erin said...

she really is so adorable. love seeing pics of gracie!