Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Life with Two FAQ's

The blessing of having two extra kids in your house for several days is that once they are gone, life seems simple with just two kids.  For about 45 minutes, you think you've got it easy. But mainly it leaves me with a bunch of questions...

I was never good at physics, but Grace's poop seems to defy the laws of gravity.  How does one poop up their back and in between their shoulder blades?  That being said, on Sunday, while I was changing her diaper, she managed to pee all over the couch in the ladies' locker room at Farmington Country Club without getting a drop of it on herself, her clothes, or her mommy.  Again I ask, how is this even possible?

What are "man cookies" and why does my son keep asking for them?  Is this his way of keeping the Yuletide gay or is he wanting to be grown-up?  Or, perhaps, as I suspect, we need to reinforce that they are called "Gingerbread Men". 

At what point did I equate having bathed in the last 48 hours as me being clean?  And who told Sloan this was our new grooming pattern? 

How much longer will it take me to complete simple tasks, even when they are attempted when both children are asleep?  Take Grace's stocking.  Not only did I have to redo the wings, I messed up the hanger side of it and had to redo it three times.  (Perhaps watching the Office was to blame.)

What kind of mom convinves her son that his parents playing the Wii is "watching a show"?  Is it bad that his new favorite show is the Lego Star Wars Show? 

And should I have stopped Henry from kissing Grace's feet?  What about when he stuck his toes in her mouth? 

Henry wants to make sure he is the best big brother ever and so is reading up on what he can expect from baby Gwace.

The future winner of So You Think You Can Dance.  By the way, she's a Jakob fan. 


Ali said...

I hope you are back to blogging more often. I miss the laughter it brings! Hopefully life will settle down after the holidays! The stocking looks good.

Unknown said...

I kinda like how the reindeer on Henry's stocking looks like he's up to something :).