Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bites, Bubbles, and Babies (aka a Fun 4th)

Henry's newest favorite pastime is the self serve snack of an apple. He likes to climb up on the counter, get down an apple, and take it with him around the house. He throws it like a ball, nestles it in his bin of beans, and holds it between his teeth while he plays his drum. Much to his dismay, Mommy also put a tomato in the fruit bowl. (It is a fruit, you know.) He did not enjoy it.
Like most red blooded Americans, we enjoyed our three day weekend of freedom with some time spent at the pool. I've discovered that by putting Henry in his life jacket, he actually stays a little closer in. I think he doesn't like the false sensation of buoyancy. So we were actually able to enjoy the pool with him playing in the fountains and also showing Daddy all of his new swim lesson skills like kicking and blowing bubbles.
Here I wanted to post a beautiful picture my friend Davison took of our beautiful Frogmore Stew (or as Ann puts it "Dump Dinner"). According to Ann, I may never see the photo as D's D50 has been known to hold photos hostage. Anywho, Auntie Ann brought over her beautiful 6 wk old little girl, Emily, for us all to love and adore. Typical boy, Henry loved the technology and gadgets associated with the baby--her carseat, her passie, his old bouncy seat we brought down for her. We have yet to put the bouncy away as Henry like to turn the music on (complete with vibrations) and sit in it and say, "Baby." He was very sweet with Emily. He brought her his Emily train. He brought blankets to her when in the bouncy seat. And after dinner, he even took a napkin and wiped off her face.
Henry really wants to get at Emily. Notice the stiffness of his legs. He is about to arch his back and do the "let me down" wriggle. Parents of toddlers, you know this move.

Happy 4th of July!
(Or as I told Ann, hey, take a picture of us. We need photos for our adoption profile and most of the ones we have are just one of us with Henry.)


The Little Bear said...

Love the family pic! What exactly is Henry holding up?

Elizabeth Johnson Phillips said...

That, my sweet Eastbound buddy, is Thomas the Tank Engine. Henry has taken to carrying around a train or car at all times. His current record is 11 matchbox cars at one time.