Thursday, October 30, 2008

Who you are

I've been thinking a lot about friends lately. Who mine are, how I found them, how I love them, etc. etc. Expect a post about this in the near future as I'm tossing a few ideas around. But connected to these ideas of how we make friends in the 21st century is this blog. And your part in it.

You see, I've got this little sitemeter on my blog that tells me when people are on the blog, where they are viewing the blog from, how they found the blog and the like. If this seems a little too big brother to you, recognize I'm only tracking my readers so that I can feel popular. Think of a hit as a signature in a high school year book. And well, it seems I'm getting more popular by the day. This week I've gotten 920 signatures. But I think a lot of the signatures are repeats.

I used to complain to Sloan that I had no friends. Well, I've got peeps now. I don't really know who they are--but they're there.

Or it could just be me, as I check my own blog often. (I liken this phenomena to a similar fete in the ridiculous--opening the refrigerator in hopes something new has arrived without our having shopped for it.) But using my signature metaphor, I kind of feel like a loser. Can you imagine signing your own year book over and over? Geesh.

So who are you? IF YOU COMMENTED MORE OFTEN I WOULD KNOW WHO YOU ARE. (HINT HINT!!!!) All I have to go on is your location, your referral page and/or your entry link .

I'm guessing here---- Huntsville, AL--My niece, J. Or is it you, K? I thought you were in Birmingham. Brooklyn--Hiya A. Hope the Big Apple is treating you and B. well. Huntersville, NC--hello JSC. Hopefully you won't find out about the gestation diabetes until after Halloween. Stuff your face with as much candy as you can get just in case. Greenville, SC--what up MD? Tell W that Henry says hello. We miss the double named duo. Denver--hello LK. So proud you are training for a marathon. I'm training for a 5K. (Yeah, I know--people don't really train for those things.) Delaware--hey J. SOOOOO looking forward to your wedding. Sydney, Australia--is that you, Mel? Mount Laurel, NJ--Do you work for AFR? Greensboro, NC--my hometown. Could it be my parents? Do they know how to work this interweb thing?

But the following locations baffle me--Winston-Salem, NC, Macon, GA, the ATL, St. Paul, MN, Minneapolis, Topeka, Kissimee,FL, Rock Hill, SC, Dallas, Brookings, SD, St. Petersburg, FL, Bessemer, AL, Sierra Vista, AZ, Ada, OH, Durham, NC, Indianapolis, Wichita, Summerville, SC, St Albans, WV, Stuart, FL, Salt Lake City, and Dunlap, TN. My favorite was Harvest, AL. And did you know there was a Liverpool, NY?

And I'm international. I've got regular readers in Canada, Lebanon, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Spain, and India. WHAT?!

And because sitemeter also tells me how you got to my page....A huge shout out to the best Kickapoo Princess ever for my Texas contingency. You are so getting a margarita from me the next time I'm in Austin. (And by next time, I mean the first time.) And shout out to the Lillster's buddy Nate who has posted a link to me as well.

And the google look-ups are hilarious--people meandered over here by typing in the following--"pastel de carne", "batman pumpkin pattern", "How much did Jesus weigh at birth?" (how that gets you to me, I have no idea), "blisters on my fingers", and my favorite, "do not tell my husband".

And seriously, could the person who keeps looking up the photo of my son on my Crappy Day post please stop? You are ruining the blogging experience from everyone and making me think that maybe I should stop doing this.

And some of you found me from my Facebook page. I hit 300 friends yesterday. I'm feeling pretty good about myself. But really, if you aren't my FB friend yet, you should be. FB doesn't allow me to befriend myself the way sitemeter does. So I feel that facebook is a more accurate measure of my worth.

I mean-- I AM kind of a big deal. People know me.


Audrey said...

You are hilarious!! Thanks for the shout out....I feel stalked. So you know I pretty much check to see if you've, like 5 times a day?! Love you guys...say hi to your boys for me and B!

Janell Cowley said...

This is exactly why folks love you and your writing. When's your book getting published? I am definitely buying it whenever it does. Maybe one of your loyal readers is a publisher and should comment on your blog that you need to contact him/her so you can start working on your first book. Hint, hint to whoever you are.

You need to tell me how you did the whole tracking thing, so I can add it to my blog too.

I got word that I passed the 3 hr glucose test which is a HUGE relief that I don't have gestational diabetes.

kristen said...

Hah! I guess I come up as Bessemer on sitemeter. Bessemer is about 20 miles away, someplace I certainly would not claim! I live downtown, I want to be BIRMINGHAM. :)

So, Huntsville is definitely not me.

kristen said...

I am not actually Bessemer, I am inverness florida or something. STRANGE.

Courtney said...

Please add me to the friends from Austin. One can never have too many blogging friends!

Joy | Love | Chaos said...

So funny! I do come by everytime you pop up on my google reader. But I doubt I'm the DE contingent, since it's usually from work or home -- both in PA. Could that be Deb?

Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Kelly said...

Hi Elizabeth,
I'm Stuart, FL... I love reading your blog. You're such a great writer... and since our boys are close in age, I'm right there with you on a lot of this! (including the throwing up -- I often put both of us in the shower together!)... I really enjoy it!
Kelly Garner

Craig McIntosh said...

I am the daily Greensboro, NC on your site. I LOVE reading your entries and think Henry is adorable-I am so sorry he is sick!!!

Jenny said...

I LOVE reading your blog! I at least check 3 times a day! I have even spread the word to your peeps in Seattle, WA! Thanks for the shout out in good ole' Huntsville, AL!

The Little Bear said...

Hope Henry is feeling better and IV fluids were avoided! Happy Halloween! I'll eat some candy for you...

Ansley said...

Hi! I'm the Macon, GA girl. I LOVE reading your blog - it always makes me laugh.

Margo said...

This is your cousin. I'm the Wichita reader.

mary dupre said...

Girl you are a HOOOOT! i am cracking up and keep ticking rush-baker off b/c he's trying to watch some war movie but i make him mute it to listen to your stories about henry puking smoked cheese. wow. those were some serious details. i feel like i can taste it, and yes, may never be horny again like you said.
so yes, that was me- greenville sc- representing baby. miss y'all so. hope everybody is well now.
when is your book coming out??