Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Baby Jesus, Baby Weight, and Baby Blisters

Yesterday I found baby Jesus in the trash can. (Along with a book about Thomas the tank engine, a toy hammer, three blocks, and a brand new container of baby wipes. So much for getting a trashcan with a lid that locked). I think this sums up how life has been for the Phillips clan the past couple of days--irreverent, chaotic, but so much so you just have to laugh.

We had my sister and her brood over for dinner Saturday night and had a blast until the puppy-child roughhousing got a little out of hand and my 5 year old nephew's ear had to get super glued back together.

We stayed up so late with family that Henry slept in until 9:15 on Sunday, making it impossible for us to get to church on time. But my good friend Stef (who lives in Dallas!), surprised us and came to hang out for the day. We had burgers and shakes for lunch and I spent the afternoon paranoid that the greasiness was taking over my arteries. Despite this, I am two weeks early for my first weight loss goal. (And I am totally burying what rightfully deserves to be the headline here people!) I've finally lost the baby weight. Now that my son is 15 months old. I've lost 30 lbs. My next goal is another 30 lbs by November 20th. I want to look fabulous for a friend's wedding and redeem myself for the last time I saw all of my husband's high school buddies. If you don't want to follow the link--I'll just say that the last time I saw these people not only was I 30 lbs heavier, but I'd had 5 glasses of wine before 7:30 pm. And chicken curry was served.

We decided it was time for Lolly to go back to the shelter. This was after much prayer and tears and confessing that I would've done it awhile ago had it not been for my insanely large ego and fear of what the shelter people would think of me. They've been great, but there is no room for her at the shelter as of now. We are acting as her foster parents. We went to the first night of obedience school and she was the most enthusiastic dog there. (That was a nice way of me saying she was the most cracked out pup there!) She now is calmer, as if she knows she is sort of on probation. Or it could be that I keep loading up her Kong with peanut butter to get her out of my hair.

I decided to help my sister with some of her errands. While doing so, I lost her ATM card.

This morning I noticed that Henry had blisters on his fingers. So unless he's been doing yard work or is channeling Ringo Starr, I think we're getting some sort of virus.

I finally sold out treadmill on Craigslist. We're also selling a mantle if you are interested. But I also overpaid my handyman $100 and now have to wait for him to "drop by" with a check.

But, in case you were wondering, I did rescue baby Jesus from the trash can.

1 comment:

Janell Cowley said...

I am SO PROUD of you and your commitment to working out and losing the weight you want to. It is never an easy thing to do so be proud of your accomplishment my friend.