Monday, January 7, 2008

Red Heiny, Red Heiny, Send Henry right over

Henry still has a double ear infection. Apparently, the amoxicillan was only successful in giving him diarrhea and a killer diaper rash. I didn't know about the ears, but took him to the Doctor because his little rump was bleeding. So the doctor switched him to Augmentin, put him on a probiotic powder to help with the diarrhea, and told me to not use baby wipes, but to bath him every time he has a poopy instead. Henry is the cleanest little boy ever as he poops every time he toots. And we Phillips toot a lot. But his appetite is coming back and he is happy as he LOVES bath time, particularly with the new tub toys Santa and his Aunt Sonya gave him for Christmas. He also loves this noisy toy that his Aunt Stephanie gave him. If I hear, "Hello, Brainy Baby, let's sing a song!" one more time I'm going to go crazy!

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