Friday, January 11, 2008

An old black sock and a measuring cup (Or more reasons I'll never be Mom of the Year)

So I finally settled on what picture to send in to Regis and Kelly. (See left-- I thought it best captured his angelic eyes, darling smile, and just the hint of his two twoofers.) I also have been wondering how to get Henry into modeling so he can buy his Mommy and Daddy a really big house and pay for his college and maybe even buy him a sibling or two. But then another part of me thinks that this is wrong to want to be pimping out my son and that his job is simply to grow and it is my job to take care of him--not the other way around. Oh well.

But he has been helping me more around the house. One of his favorite pastimes is folding laundry. Or at least pulling at it while I fold it. He particularly loves his father's socks. Apparently, they both taste good and are the perfect thing to shake. This began when he was sitting in his high chair. I'd given him some toys and was sitting at the kitchen table folding. He got hold of a sock and wouldn't play with anything else and refused to give it back. For like a week, my son's favorite toy was a sock. At least it was clean is all I can say in my defense. Now, I have learned to put the clean clothes on the couch away from him and simply trap him in the laundry basket with a couple of toys. And yet, he still always manages to end up with a sock. Another one of his favorite toys is a blue measuring cup. Oddly enough, he prefers the 1 cup over and above any of the other measuring cups. You would think we haven't bought him enough Baby Einstein junk or blocks or anything. I can hear him telling my grand kids now, "You guys should be grateful for what you have. When I was a kid, all I have to play with was an old black sock and a measuring cup."

He does, however, LOVE his bath time toys. But again, the measuring cups are a hit there as well. (I can remember one time before Henry was born, my nephew Jonathan was staying the night at our house and we gave him a bath. Having no tub toys, I handed him a whisk, a baster, and some Tupperware. His comment, "Aunt Elizabeth, these are the best toys ever. I wish we had some like this." He also enjoys his Scuba Steve that Santa put in his stocking and the blue bowl that they used at the hospital to bathe him with. It makes for a great hat.

My little shriner. I think he looks like a little Buddha here as well. (Notice the stupid blue measuring cup in the left bottom corner.)
Henry and Scuba Steve. He does not like it when I wind him up because then it does not feel good when he sticks his flippers in his mouth.

Just another reason I'll NEVER be Mom of the year. Look at this. This looks like something Britney would let her children do. And yet, it makes me laugh. He did not get hurt. In fact, he loves the water.

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