Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin, Rawhide

August 21, 2007. 5:45 pm

He is now rolling over from back to front. I think most babies roll over tummy to back first, but apparently no one told Henry this. He loves to roll over to see himself better in the mirror while playing in his gym. The only problem with this is that Henry is not a fan of "tummy time," yet he keeps finding himself on his tummy. I tried explaining that this would happen every time he rolled from his back to his front, but he doesn't listen. Since this time, he has also started sleeping curled up on his side. It is very sweet to watch.

1 comment:

Janell Cowley said...

Yeah for Henry!!! Once he masters the roll from stomach to back he will just keep going and going! That's the start of it being a whole new world for mom. Sending our love from NC.

The Cowleys