I spent the last three days house/babysitting for a family I used to work for and I am now dog tired. While their children are sweet, it has definately made me decide to wait to have another child until Henry can navigate going up and down stairs safely on his own. Egads, my back, my aching back! Their children are Eva, 6, Corbin, 4, Elan, 3, and Quinn, 14 months. Between Quinn and Henry, I had to make many trips up and down stairs. I am soooo thankful that I had the forethought to take the exceraucer. But Henry had loads of fun having so many playmates and it was funny to see him skid around on the hard wood floors. He'd be crawling along fine, and then, splat, and it'd take him a couple of tries to get back on the move.

Corbin, Henry, Elan, and Quinn enjoy playing in Henry's playpen while I scurried around our condo to pick up a few things I forgot!
Batman (Corbin) and Bat Bear. Oddly enough, Bat Bear bears a striking resemblance to our very own "Baby P" bear. Should we change our Baby P to Bruce Wayne?

Henry, Eva, and Corbin chill while I fix lunch. Poor Henry spent a lot of time in his excersaucer.
Henry shares the exersaucer toys with Quinn. The two of them spent a lot of time together doing this with Quinn just circling the saucer.
Henry enjoys their Thomas the Tank Engine tent. Mainly, he like the feel of the velcro.
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