Henry is 9 months old today! Yippee! So much has happened in the past week, much less the past nine months. I am a bit overwhelmed by it all and God's enormous goodness to our family. So the stats--Henry weighs 20 lbs and is 29 inches long. That's around the 40% in weight and 75% in height. Dr. Hoagato said she was sure that his ear infections caused him to lose a bit of weight, but that she is very proud of him and he is thriving. His ears look great and to top it all off, he didn't even flinch when he got his finger pricked and barely even squealed when he got his polio vaccine. She did warn me, however, that his top gums are severely swollen and to expect some more teeth in the next week. And sure enough, it was like Henry heard this and since getting home from the Doctor's office he is very clingy and fussy. Thank God for baby Tylenol.

He also had his first taste of meat today--ham. I thought since I had so much bacon while he was in utero, ham might be a good first meat. It smelled disgusting, but Henry loved it!
We also tried having a little photo shoot for Valentine's cards but Henry wasn't interested. And Mommy has fallen in love with a new baby product--BABYLEGS! They are leg warmers for babies and they make changing diapers a breeze in the winter as usually I have to unsnap a billion onesies and pants, but when we're just chillin' at home--it is now jammies for me and babylegs for Henry!
Mom, I know I look adorable with this heart on top of me, but seriously, if this photo ever gets out--I'm soooo getting beat up at recess.
I know, Mommy, I'm only supposed to put food in my mouth. But this rope feels so good on my gums. What? Are you wanting me to look at you? You should have thought about that before you stuck me in my toy bucket.
I think this felt heart looks good enough to eat. I'm sure it is full of fiber.
I do not want my picture taken. I want to see what is over here on my bookshelf. I might be able to find a choking hazard and you just know I love those. But enjoy the view, Mommy. It has been said that I have a breathtaking heiny.
Fine, I'll sit still so you can take a picture of me in my babylegs. But I won't enjoy it.
Ooh, I've just noticed that Mommy left the door to my prison open. She calls it a corral, but last time I checked, I'm not a horse. Let's call it what it is--a big baby cage.
1 comment:
Oh my goodness, he is so handsome! I was reading the blog and when it got to the pictures, Jenna came running up. When I told her to say hi to Henry she started waving at his pictures.
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