We spent most of the Christmas holiday at my parents' house in Greensboro, NC. That first Saturday, Sloan and my da
d went deer hunting (a losing hunt), but we were able to snap just about the cutest, and yet kind of creepy, picture of my three favorite men. My parents and I also taught Sloan how to play my parents card game of choice "Contract Rummy." Sloan is convinced that we are all cheaters as he was certain we kept changing the rules. Sunday was my niece Natalie's 4th birthday, and Henry got to crunch lots of wrapping paper, shove ribbons in his mouth, and wear a box on his head. Apparently, he enjoys being the "kid in the box."
We wen
t to the Christmas Eve services at my parents' Megachurch, Westover, where we once again were reminded that a) Henry does not like loud noises, b) Always carry a burp cloth, c) If there is a silent moment in any church service, my son is sure to burp or fart during it. Luckily, in a worship center holding 3000 people, only our section got to hear the manliness of my son. This was the year the Johnson (my brother's family) spent the night at my parents' house as well. And boy was Santa generous to all of Gigi and Papa's grandkids. (Pictured to the right--William Johnson (11), Sarah Grace (9), Henry (8 months), Caroline (6), and Natalie (4). For the Johnson kids, it was Dance Dance Revolution, American Girls, and Duke paraphernalia (Ugh--William you are breaking my heart!). For Henry, Santa brought him his big boy car seat, diapers, a little people Nativity set, some weebles, a cell phone, and baby food. Of cour
se, Henry's favorite thing was the warranty card attached to the Car Seat, but oh well. His cousins Caroline and Natalie were his official present openers. As for us, we bought him LL Bean luggage, some bath toys, and a cage we lovingly call "The Pentagon." It is actually a really nice playpen that plays music and has lights and gives Henry 18 square feet of baby-friendly floor space in which he can almost crawl around in. He is very close to crawling--he'll go forward once, but hasn't yet mastered moving his arms quite yet. He can go backwards, but mainly he likes to rock back and forth on his knees. It is the funniest when he grunts while he does it. That's right, my son is a moaning "air humper." I am so proud. Sloan's parents came up from Davidson for Christmas lunch. It was great to be able to do double duty on Christmas day and not have to pack him up.
Sloan had to work on the 26th, 27th, and 28th, so he left late Christmas afternoon. My sister and her brood of 7 came in on the 26th. They had a wheeled Christmas, the oldest 3 got "Rip sticks"--Skateboards with only 2 Rollerblade wheels, and 3 of the younger ones got old school big wheels. I think my brother-in-law, Biff, has already maimed himself on one of them. Someone needs to remind him that 42 year old men shouldn't play with their 12 year old son's toys. (HA!)
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