First of all, my life is officially over as HENRY IS NOW CRAWLING!! Sometimes his crawls are a little on the leap frog side of crawling, but he definitely has gone from the air humping to actual hand and knee movement. His little knees are constantly red now. I try to remind myself that he is a little boy and they are supposed to have rough skin and scratches, but it still makes me sad.
In my college newspaper, right next to the crossword puzzle that I did daily in lieu of paying attention in class, there was always the horoscope that would begin with some weird new agey numerology thing saying: Today is a 6. You will fail a midterm, but you won't have any zits and your hair will look great. Well, Yesterday was a 10!! I wore flip flops; Henry went sans pants. (Isn't that when every man is happiest?) Who would have thought it would be such a beautiful day in January!! Henry and I looked at a house with a kick butt backyard. I think we are officially on the house hunt. Nothing definite yet, but the bigger Henry gets, the more we realize he needs a yard. And a dog. Okay, so he doesn't NEED a dog, but his mommy wants one.
We also headed out to the park where we had an impromptu photo shoot. I took about a gazillion pictures--no seriously, I took 84 pictures. We were only at the park about 40 minutes. I am trying to get a really cute picture of Henry to send in to Live with Regis and Kelly's beautiful baby contest. I'm pretty certain that Henry can win it. If he makes the finals, I will definitely be soliciting online votes from you, from your family, from your neighbors, from your ex-boyfriends, and even the people you meet in line at the grocery store. Henry had a blast crunching the leaves and gagging on pine needles.
Hey Mommy, aren't I cute? The next thing I am going to do is stick this pine needle up my nose and then start screaming!
I've settled back down and am an angel again. I like to relish in that I am the center of Mommy's world and she is totally obsessed with me. As she should be...
Mom, I do not understand why you are shaking my football over your head if you won't let me play with it. I don't care if it isn't cute and won't make for a good picture.
Mom, you do realize that if Dad finds out you had me down to my skivvies in public, he will kill you, right? Hey, look, over there--couldn't that be a pedophile?
I am so dang pretty. If I ever have a sister, she will be jealous of my eyes and my super long lashes. Mom sure is...
Mommy, it is my turn to play with the camera. It has buttons, and lights, and makes noises. I want it!!!
If you wont give me the camera, I will just crawl. That's right, I'll become mobile and then what will you do? Right now, I am going to crawl and try to kiss you. (aka bite your face.)
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