Thursday, January 31, 2008
Praise God for only one child in diapers
Friday, January 25, 2008
9 months old
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Chief Poopy Pants
For starters, we made a whirlwind trip to Bristol, TN for my great-uncle's and my aunt's birthdays. Henry talked the WHOLE trip to and from TN without stopping. He slept for about an hour on the way there but, otherwise, he clucked, chortled, giggled, and basically spoke Cling-on for five hours straight. It was very sweet: I about went crazy. (As I type this I am listening to him summon aliens over the monitor as I just put him down to bed.) I told Sloan that it would be even more annoying in a couple of years when he was actually speaking to us and expecting us to respond to him. I am sure this is of my mother's doing as she claims she prayed I'd have a child like me.
Sloan has been traveling a lot lately with work so it has just been the Pickle and me. During this time, we are beginning to wave. Mainly, I wave at Henry and he raises his hand to me as if to say "How." When he does this, I call him Chief Poopy Pants. Sometimes he'll wiggle a finger or two when waved at, but the only person he really waves to is the weatherman on TV. So apparently, he wants nothing to do with Mommy or Daddy, but he must tell Andrew Freiden hello.
He also enjoys driving his little toy car. He loves honking the horn, making the lights flash, and once again, basically making as much noise as possible. This should not be a surprise as he is the son of two noisy people. He is also beginning to pull up to his knees using the sides of his corral (the PC name we've given his prison). I am trying to thwart this at all costs as I'm sure this will lead to standing and standing leads to walking and then I am totally lost. He also has begun to attempt the sippy cup (but never tilts his head back enough so he just sucks air) and to try to feed himself. This is messy and also brings new meaning to the phrase "Gag me with a spoon". We are also adding some things to the things Henry does not like list--grits from Cracker Barrel and avocado. He does, surprisingly, like spinach and just can't get enough of pears.
Also, I think he is working on getting his third tooth as he is a slobber factory and coughs a lot. This cough sometimes wakes him up and pretty much always wakes me up, so it has been a long couple of days. We have his 9-month check-up on Friday and I am interested to see how much this chubber weighs as he has been eating a lot lately. He is now wearing 18 month clothing. He used to be so tiny!
Friday, January 11, 2008
An old black sock and a measuring cup (Or more reasons I'll never be Mom of the Year)
But he has been helping me more around the house. One of his favorite pastimes is folding laundry. Or at least pulling at it while I fold it. He particularly loves his fath
He does, however, LOVE his bath time toys. But again, the measuring cups are a hit there as well. (I can remember one time before Henry was born, my nephew Jonathan was staying the night at our house and we gave him a bath. Having no tub toys, I handed him a whisk, a baster, and some Tupperware. His comment, "Aunt Elizabeth, these are the best toys ever. I wish we had some like this." He also enjoys his Scuba Steve that Santa put in his stocking and the blue bowl that they used at the hospital to bathe him with. It makes for a great hat.
Just another reason I'll NEVER be Mom of the year. Look at this. This looks like something Britney would let her children do. And yet, it makes me laugh. He did not get hurt. In fact, he loves the water.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
A beautiful day in the neighborhood...
Monday, January 7, 2008
My favorite picture...
Red Heiny, Red Heiny, Send Henry right over
Thursday, January 3, 2008
New Years 2008
Janell and Jenna Cowley (16 months). Doesn't Janell look great? Who would've thought she just had her gallbladder removed. Jenna had a difficult time sharing her mommy mainly because Janell can't pick her up for another 2 weeks!
The Queen Bee--by virtue that she is the oldest. Bennett Sanbourn--the 20 month old daughter of my senior year roommate--Lori Beth. My favorite thing she does is that she tells on herself before she does something she is not supposed to do. She'll say, "Bennett, No," and then do it anyway. Watch out Lori Beth and Rob!
Even Henry knows Carolina girls are the best in the world! From left to right--Bennett Sanbourn, Henry Phillips, Ava Morris, Natalie Bizzell, and Jenna Cowley. GO HEELS!
My New Year's Resolutions
2. To reconnect with old friends.
3. To take myself less seriously. (I am wondering if this is even possible. Should I cut myself anymore slack I'll just be dragging around a limp rope. Knowing me, I'll trip on "my slack," drop my baby, and slice my head open on some yet to be baby-proofed piece of furniture.)
4. Be more diligent with my writing. (I am working on a book about my fertility struggles and stint in the hospital.)
5. Snap at Sloan less. (I am hoping that one of Sloan's resolutions is to do fewer things that cause me to snap at him. That would be GREAT!)