Friday, November 5, 2010

A Real Conversation

(Alternate titles:  Fairy tales for the 21st century and beyond, or Redefining Gender Roles)

Henry: (as he pulls all of the couch cushions on top of himself) OK, Gracie.  I'm da dwagon.  You da Pwincess.  I am hiding in da cave.  Come and save me!  Pwincess Gwacie, come and save da Henwe dwagon!

Grace: (toddling over to the shaking pile of pillows on the floor)  Ba-ba!  Ba-ba!  Ba-Ba! (She pulls one pillow over then launches herself at her brother.)

Henry:  (As he kisses his sister.)  Thank you, thank you, beautiful Pwincess Gracie!  You saved the dwagon!  You win a hug!  (He bear hugs the Princess.)

Grace:  Doo-doo-da-da-bbllllleeee...

Henry:  Ok, Gwacie.  I hide in da pillows again.  You come save me again.

1 comment:

Law Momma said...

I love this. Love. Love. Love it.