Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day Two

So I guess we're potty training?

I hadn't planned on doing it this week, but we are day two of Henry putting himself on the potty every morning. 

Awesome.  I don't even have control over this. 

But for Mommies who've potty trained, particularly potty trained boys,  Do I go straight to underwear or do I do pull ups for awhile?  And how long do I have to keep giving him M&Ms.  Because I'm pretty sure that is the only reason he is doing it.  That and he enjoys looking at the Land of Nod and One Step Ahead catalogs while on the pot.

How do I know this?  He walks into the kitchen and says,"Okay, I want a M now, Mommy, so I go sit on potty to pee."  When he did it the first time unassisted yesterday I was taken aback by the song his little potty sings when you do your business in it.  I cheered for him and said, "Oh, Henry!  You went pee pee on the potty!"  He stared at me blankly and said,"I know.  I get M now. Then I brush teeth and get ticker."

Am I even needed for this conversation?

Oh, his tinkle made a jingle in the potty.  Time to go dole out the M.


Ali said...

Awesome! I wish Mason would be interested.

can't wait to watch the kitchen transformation

Kristie Truell said...

I say go straight to underwear. That way you can both just make the mental switch from "He pees in the diaper" to "He pees in the potty". (or, in my case "she pees in the potty, and in her pants, and on the floor, and on my bed, and on my pillows...) Sending you my very best potty training wishes. We started accidentally too, my daughter was also highly motivated by M&Ms.

Courtney said...

Wow! That is so great! Nate has used the potty a few times (like, months and months ago), but I can't get him to use it now. He really likes stamps on his hand, so I've been trying to bribe him with that, but still no pee. And he REALLY wants to wear big boy undies, but considering I put them on him and then he just pees in those instead of the diaper, that won't work either.

So now I'm moving on to M&Ms. That boy of mine does love "treats" so maybe that will work.


Melodramommy said...

What an adorable photo! Oh, how I know you've waited for this moment. Gotta love the book reading while on the potty.