Monday, June 9, 2008

I'm just a girl who can't say no...

Right now I am procrastinating. A lot. I really need to put away laundry. But since Henry is just going to wear it again, I see no real reason to remove it from his big boy bed. And what I really really need to be doing is emailing people and checking references for all of the VBS volunteers. Why I said yes to being our church's Child Safety Coordinator, or as I like to call myself "Safety Czar," I'll never know. And apparently I'm also the Assistant Director for VBS which means next year I'll be the Director of VBS. I'm going to delegate pretty much everything or pray for some major family event, like say, me being pregnant and on bedrest, that gets me out of it. OK, so I don't want to be on bedrest again, but maybe the doctor could tell me to take it easy and that would get me out of VBS. Oh, and I somehow said I'd help with decorations. I have the tendency to bite off more than I can chew.

I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure wanting to get out of VBS is not a good reason to try and get pregnant.

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