Monday, January 30, 2012

In Memorium

My dear friend E went to be with Jesus last week.

Normally I roll my eyes when I read in obits that someone went "home to the Lord" or to "be with Jesus" or is "resting safely in Abraham's bosom."  (OK, the last one I also cringe because someone typed bosom. And apparently I'm twelve and think that's a funny word.  Bosom.)  But with E, it's just not right to say she merely died.  If you'd ever been blessed to meet E, you would know that despite the fact she was pushing 80, she was very much alive.  I just can't think of her as anything other than causing a ruckus while simultaneously bragging about God.  So hear me when I say that when I write E went to be with Jesus it is not a teary-eyed euphemism.  It is fact.  She is with Jesus.  And they are both probably laughing. 

E was one heck of a woman.  When I first met her 5 years ago in my bible study group, my first thought was "Oh, Gosh.  Who is this woman?"  I probably rolled my eyes as she pulled out a notecard of all the people she was praying for.  She was loud.  A yankee.  Italian.  Catholic.  But the more I grew to know and love her, I found myself asking, "Oh?  Gosh!" 

When I grow up, I want to be like E.  She was more than a tad irreverent.  She was forever surrounding herself with those in need, sharing the wisdom God gave her through her struggles of parenting a child with brain injuries.  She prayed me through infertility.  She prayed us through the adoption of our daughter whom she claimed as her own.  Her sweet Grace.  Her pretty Grace.  She loved intensely.  She talked about her husband of 60 years like a high school girl in love with the prom king.  The vulnerability, humor, and grace with which she parented B has emboldened me to pursue a special needs adoption.  E taught me I don’t need a halo to love someone the world deems unloveable—I just need Jesus.  And maybe a glass of wine.  (Or three.)

So my beloved E, you will be missed on this side of heaven.  I look forward to sharing eternity with you.  In the mean time, please love on our Charlie.  Protect him and cuddle him and tell him we are on our way.

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