Thursday, September 23, 2010

Isn't She Lovely?

Pretty sure she is the most beautiful girl who ever lived. 
Sorry for those of you with daughters; they're probably pretty cute too. 
But seriously, her hair is to die for.  People pay big bucks for those soft curls.

Here she is speaking her native language:  the raspberry.  We have entire conversations blowing raspberries at one another.  She also likes to play slaps.  As in, I slap her high chair three times.  She slaps it three times.  I slap, she slaps, etc.  Imagine the fun when Henry and her speak raspberry for three hours in the car.  Imagine...

She likes to cruise around furniture.  She pushes the walker around the driveway.  She will toddle around the kitchen, one hand on the dishwasher then lean a little to the left to lean on the island, cruise around the island then launch herself at the baby gate leading into the family room.  She likes to shake the bars of the gate.  Am considering getting her a tiny aluminum cup she can bang on the bars. 

She can stand on her own in the middle of the room  push herself up and a standing position without pulling up on anything.  Here she is at the playground at Henry's school.

Pretty sure she'll be walking by her first birthday. 

She continues to be an expert sleeper.  As well as an expert eater with her six teeth.  (She soooo didn't mind the extra protein she got from the beetle larvae I was unknowingly feeding her in her formula.  Thank you, Similac.  We're now all premade all the time.  Which is kind of nice too.)  Her favorite foods are Mum Mums, Honey Nut Cheerios, Sweet Potatoes, Lasagna, French fries and Goldfish.  Oddly enough, she wasn't a big fan of the chocolate milkshake I offered her tonight.  It's funny how I took pride in the fact that Henry didn't have a Happy Meal until he was 14 months and Gracie gets tossed french fries while we drive down the road.  And Henry didn't have cheerios or goldfish until after a year as well.  I was certain that he'd choke.  Considering that Henry feeds Gracie off his own plate, I just try to see that she doesn't get bits of flank steak or an entire Popsicle up her nose. 

Can't believe she is eleven months old.  The invites for her birthday party went out last week.
When we play in the yard and hear the high school marching band practicing, I can't help but remember how last year at this time I didn't even know she was mine.  But she was.  And for that, I must thank God for his grace and mine.


Anonymous said...

She is absolutely LOVELY! And I realize this is hardly the point of your posting, but where do you get these adorable dresses for her? This pink one and the one she wore to Thomas are both fabulous!

Elizabeth Johnson Phillips said...

I buy 90% of my kids clothing second hand at consignment sales or Ebay. Both of these dresses fit that bill--but the black and white one she wore to Thomas was from Target and the smocked one was Rare Editions.

mollie said...

that hair is to die for. how is it you ended up with a curly haired daughter and i'm still 0 for 2? ;)