I met Henry for the first time. He looked like this...

I adored him. But it was just an inkling of how much I love him now. He is kind, funny, and incredibly loving. He tells me I'm wonderful at least twice a day. I try to tell him he is wonderful too and he responds, "No, Mommy, I'm awesome." He loves to play by himself and I'm quite certain that were I to keep him in Capri Suns and cheese sticks, he'd go days without ever needing any other human contact. He constantly tries to figure out how things work and how he can build something bigger or better, be it a bridge, a train track, or a tower of pillows. His love for Gracie is magical. He told her this morning that she was a pretty flower and that he loved her so much he was exploding. Kind of like I expect his head to explode on Saturday when he gets to meet Thomas the Tank Engine in person.
He loves to listen to music while he plays. He can correctly identify the following artists: The Rolling Stones, Stevie Wonder (though he calls him Stevie Thunder), The Black Eyed Peas (though he calls it The Gforce Music), Jack Johnson, Ray Charles, the Beach Boys, and Marvin Gaye. Yesterday he mistook Thelonius Monk's "Ruby My Dear" for Charlie Brown Christmas music, but still, I think his musical knowledge is pretty impressive. He knows all the words to the following songs: Amazing Grace, Jesus Loves Me, He's Got the Whole World in His hands, Beautiful Boy, Puff the Magic Dragon, My Favorite Things, Isn't She Lovely, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, I Have You Two (from Chitty), the Thomas and Friends theme song, Little Red Caboose, Big Rock Candy Mountain (the Lisa Loeb version), Twinkle Twinkle, ABC, How Great Thou Art, and You are My Sunshine.
He is Presbyterian, that is to say he likes to do things decently and in order. He is not a super huge fan of change and so needs to be warned ahead of time to ease transitions. He excels when boundaries are clearly laid out and routines are followed. Unfortunately for him, he has a Mom who gets itchy around boundaries and routines, but I'm working on it. I'm slowly learning to let him set his own routines when possible and am thankful that his current morning routine includes playing alone in his room until around 8:30 and having a bowl of cheerios and a banana every morning for breakfast. He gets bent out of shape if he doesn't pray before a meal and if he can't reach Gracie to hold her hand. He also always remembers to place his dishes in the sink post meal and to put his dirty clothes in the hamper, all without having to be asked.
And yes, I know this is mainly a picture of Gracie pushing around her walker, but I find the fact that you can tell that Henry is cleaning the table up after himself pretty typical.
My daughter-in-law has got it made.
But for now, my darling, beautiful, super-awesome, wonderful, incredibly intelligent boy, you are all mine.
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