You should know that I've never met Courtney. She lives in Austin, TX. We have become friends because of our blogs. Friendship is a weird thing in the 21st century. They say women count friendships based upon shared intimacy, men based upon shared activity. This is why 2 men can watch game after game with their best friend and yet still manage to not know the names of each other's kids. But this also explains why through the internet, I have managed to reconnect with my bestest ever camp friend, befriend someone that camp friend took pics of (the aforementioned Courtney), keep tabs with a woman who was in my bible study and helped pray Henry into being before she moved off to Alabama, and oh yeah, my favorite--the internet has helped me become friends with a girl Sloan dated in high school.
Despite their public forum, blogs have a way of bringing to light our hearts. This is why blogs are popular. Much of our culture shies away from honesty and vulnerability, and yet, without vulnerability--friendship, love, and community are impossible. And I'm grateful that the despite its new-fangled media outlet, blogs shows us that words still matter. Books matter. The pen is ever so much mightier than the sword. Hoorah!
“7 Things You Don’t Know About Me” Meme Rules
1. Link to your original tagger(s) and list these rules in your post.
2. Share seven facts about yourself in the post.
3. Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged.
Here are my 7 Things:
1. I was on Student Television in college. I'm pretty sure I was the only girl in a sorority to work at Carolina's STV. I hosted a live call-in love program that aired at 11pm on Wednesdays. It was called...wait for it...Live at 11. Take a moment to imagine who watches student television. Now imagine the people who call into a student television love advice program. If you are imagining the zitty roommates of the STV workers and potty humor, you have correctly imagined my TV show.
2. I know how to square dance call and even have several square dancing records in my collection. This is a skill I picked up in seminary. (I also learned how to make puppets and about 100 different crafts to make out of scrap pantyhose in this class. It was called "Multi-generational Recreation." We square danced at a local nursing home. When I talk to my dad about the grad school he paid for, I usually do not mention this class.)
3. I sleep with a teddy bear. His name is Baby Pea.
4. I love going out to dinner. This is probably because I hate hate HATE cooking. I do, however, enjoy baking because it requires using my pink mixer.

5. As a kid, I used to compete in dance competitions. Think big hair, sequins, and Jeanne Bennet make-up. And oh yeah, I have about a three foot tall trophy that proudly displays that in 1988, I was 1st in the nation in the Jazz category.
6. I made dean's list all 8 semesters I was in college. In fact, I made either an A, A-, or B+ in every class but 2. And the 2 classes I made lower grades in were the classes that I took as filler. Seriously. Geology 101--aka "Rocks for Jocks". The problem with Geology 101 was it was at 8am and, oh yeah, a class about rocks. I also bombed some Psychology class I took my junior year that all the cool people took to get an easy A. I got a C. I think attendance was something like a third of your grade. Well, have you ever been in Chapel Hill in the Springtime? There were blue cups to be drunk and darts to be thrown. And from the few classes I did attend it was all hippy dippy junk about shockras, shamans, and vision quests. I happily earned that C.
7. I have no heroes. It's not that I don't look up to people, it is simply that most of the folks I know are brave and lovely in very un-extraordinary ways. And I believe it would be a great disservice to them to idolize them. It is their brokenness that makes their bravery all the more impressive. But, if I were hard pressed, I would have to say that there are two main voices in my head that urge me on--my older brother, Bill, and one of my dearest friends and Creative Writing Professors, Doris Betts. They are 2 of the greatest blessings God has ever used to help me grow up and get over myself.
the people I’m tagging:
1 comment:
Aw -- thanks, peach! You've given me an excuse to dust off my keyboard and get back to blogging. (You can hear the crickets over there now!) Tonight, post-pool swim, I am all over it!
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