We caved.
We put the crib back together, deciding that the night before a party was not a good night to be without sleep. (Of course, Sloan and I put it back together while both sets of grandparents were downstairs Friday night playing with Henry. It was only until the f-bomb was dropped at one point that we were informed that the monitor was on and our stressed out "how in the heck does this go back together/why don't we get your father who is an Engineer to help us" conversation was being blasted in stereo downstairs. Awesome.) We'd planned on transitioning back to the toddler bed last night, but our AC was on the fritz and thought that was an excuse to keep him the crib as well. On the one hand, I'm feeling a bit like we are pushing him too early. And yet, on the other hand, I know that I won't be able to pick him up much should next week's embryo transfer take and I'm pregnant. So, like many older brothers before him, Henry is just going to have to 'man up' for the sake of the family. So we'll try again later this week.
And in addition to caving about the crib, our boy is quite spoiled. He racked it up for his birthday. So much that I spent his entire nap time on Saturday playing with the toys myself. We now have Tidmouth Shed, Knapford Station (complete with a microphone), a tunnel that toots and hoots like an owl, and many other Thomas train tracks and accessories. It's pretty much awesome. But I think the day can best be expressed in pictures.
We put the crib back together, deciding that the night before a party was not a good night to be without sleep. (Of course, Sloan and I put it back together while both sets of grandparents were downstairs Friday night playing with Henry. It was only until the f-bomb was dropped at one point that we were informed that the monitor was on and our stressed out "how in the heck does this go back together/why don't we get your father who is an Engineer to help us" conversation was being blasted in stereo downstairs. Awesome.) We'd planned on transitioning back to the toddler bed last night, but our AC was on the fritz and thought that was an excuse to keep him the crib as well. On the one hand, I'm feeling a bit like we are pushing him too early. And yet, on the other hand, I know that I won't be able to pick him up much should next week's embryo transfer take and I'm pregnant. So, like many older brothers before him, Henry is just going to have to 'man up' for the sake of the family. So we'll try again later this week.
And in addition to caving about the crib, our boy is quite spoiled. He racked it up for his birthday. So much that I spent his entire nap time on Saturday playing with the toys myself. We now have Tidmouth Shed, Knapford Station (complete with a microphone), a tunnel that toots and hoots like an owl, and many other Thomas train tracks and accessories. It's pretty much awesome. But I think the day can best be expressed in pictures.
The newest Phillips family tradition--birthday breakfast at Dunkin Donuts. (And also the perfect opportunity for you to see his super cute birthday T-shirt I found on Etsy. Yes, I know, I could make this. And next year, I will.)
Enjoying Mommy's cheap post Easter birthday party activity--a Henry Hunt (aka Easter Egg hunt.) Seriously, 100 pre-filled eggs for $2. It was a big hit and I highly recommend it.
Henry finally "gets" opening presents. Except that he is not greedy enough yet to just open them and move on. Each toy requires at least 10 minutes of trying to open the box and yank all those pesky twist-ties about. 
Henry learns early the key words to getting whatever you want--the words "Gigi" and "Papa" (my parents' grandparent names). Even when they left, he kept asking for them. I think he believes (and rightly so) that simply calling their names may just be the key to all his dreams coming true.
How I know I was a bratty little sister. (Otherwise known as Henry's favorite gift--a snare drum from my sister.)
It took a couple of tries to work out that cupcake. Mommy forgot to turn off the ceiling fans. But 2 candles on a Curios George cupcake work every time. One iced candle for each of his girlfriends--Anna Banana and Sweet Isabel. It should be noted that we had a Thomas/Curious George themed party. We took the pickle to Party City and held up George plates and Thomas plates and told him to pick. He grabbed both and said, "George Choo-Choo." So we gave a nod to his favorite toy, Thomas, and a nod to his favorite book, TV show, and movie--Curious George.
Nathan shows Henry how to eat a cupcake neatly with a fork.
Isabel prefers the shove it in your face method. Jonathan simply sucked off his icing and then handed it to my sister, saying, "Here mommy. A cupcake for you." Sonya, being 7 months pregnant, appreciated the cupcake.
And how does one end the perfect day? At dinner with Gigi and Papa and the Pusey cousins, and a kiss from his favorite cousin, Isabel.
So cute! Happy birthday, Henry, and happy two years, Momma!!
Ok, I too have struggled w/ the "pick up the kid in and out of the crib when you can't" problem. You need a small step stool... just little step up rubbermaid thing, you can get one from the hardware store. Push the crib near a bed or something else that makes sense, have him climb onto that, put the stool on the bed, help him climb and drop into the crib. Getting out? reverse: put the little stool in the crib, help him climb and fall onto the bed and he can just slide down out of that... I stopped reading when I saw the dilemma! hope it helps!! keep the crib for a while though and keep your sanity!
Glad you had a fun weekend celebrating Henry!
Forgive me if this was already suggested. Does his crib railing lower? Surely you could teach him to climb in. Even use a stool if you have to. And then pull up the rail after he is in. Of course, I don't know how long it would take him to try and climb out. (I had to teach Mason to climb in his high chair and car seat to give my shoulders and neck a break.
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