In case you've been worrying that I've been all doom and gloom, stumbling around in the dark for the past few days, God has given me this little person who really doesn't care if I'm morose--he still wants his sippy and oh yeah, why can't we eat Easter candy every meal? What a joy Henry is. Who woulda thunk that I would someday know ALL the names to every train on Thomas? But here are some snapshots to prove that we do still know how to have a good time around here.
I had to take Henry off the beaten path to explain why we don't steal other kids' baskets. Notice that he is not paying attention to me. I think he is distracted by the beautiful landscaping. He wants to know, 'what is that soft plush green stuff that's everywhere?' It's grass, Henry. And no, we don't have any of that in our yard.
1. Why didn't my husband tell me to take off the stupid bunny ears? 2. Please note that I am wearing long pants and a sweater. Henry is wearing shortalls. Yes, my son is placing fashion before comfort. It was around 60 degrees and overcast, but how often can you wear an outfit with bunnies painting an Egg? It is a hand-me-down from H's cousin, William, and I'm certain my sister-in-law's mom paid a lot of money for this cute outfit so we were gonna get some wear out of it!
Yeah, I can hear you calling for me, Daddy. But running in laps around the Carrolls' house is lots more fun than listening to you. Everything is so neat and well groomed. Although they sure could use a dirt pile like we have.
Hey, I wanna go inside. It looks warm in there!
Okay, now we're getting to the good stuff. I've been training for this since Autumn when Mommy made me pick up acorns.
Mommy, I don't mind being near the giant bunny. I'll even run up to him and slap him on the knee for you and laugh so hard at this I'll fall down. But if you try and make me hug him, I'm gonna rip the flesh off your neck.
Now this is what I'm talking about! I got my cars, my bunnies, a new sand bucket for the beach, and my peeps. And no, Mommy, you can't open them so they go stale and eat them. (Little does he know that I had to rebuy his Easter candy three times. And the first time the candy was purchased at Costco!) Mommy, this is my breakfast. It's Sugar Sunday after all. (We have a strict "Sugar Sunday" policy at the Phillips house. One must eat sugary cereal for breakfast. It's how we keep the Lord's day holy. Well, that and a trip to Casa Grande after church.)
Dude, H-man..first sleepover with a GIRL--NICE WORK!! I picked a, rather a GREAT mentor :). I hope to grow up to be JUST like you and I am praying my mom grows up to be just like your mom b/c I've yet to hear of Sugar Sundays and she's already told me I can't have sleepovers with girls till I'm 40. Your mom rulz.
Love the new pics!! Why is it that every Easter bunny costume is so darn scary? Do not feel ashamed whatsoever about the candy mishap. I only just finished my Halloween stash because I bought 3 extra Costco bags of it,just for me. I mean, one has to get through the long, cold winter, right?
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