Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!
Holy freakin' snowblowers, Batman! We woke up to about 10 inches of snow. I'm super excited and even made pancakes from scratch (seeing as we have no bisquick) to celebrate the occasion. Sloan, being from southeastern PA, does not see the beauty of it. He only sees a driveway that needs to be shoveled.
Yummo. Henry says he loves snow days because Mommy lets him stay in his pjs, makes pancakes, and even gives him chocolate milk. Too bad Daddy says snowdays are for sleeping in, especially when you work from home and there are no snow related traffic problems on the stairs to the third floor.
I guess Henry won't be playing in his outdoor (ie so crusted with mud they aren't allowed indoors) tennis shoes. It's a good thing Gigi bought him some giant Napolean Dynamite snow boots!
Please note that my son is holding a tube of Vaseline. This explains the sheen on his face. The layers--onesie, one pair of long john pajamas, socks, fleece footy pajamas, and then the uber-warm bunting from cousin William. Thank God Henry's Aunt is Canadian and they gear up for cold weather! Of course, it wasn't until Henry was all bundled up that he decided to take his morning constitutional. I figured it could just keep him warm when he played because I wasn't going to redress him.

Daddy and Henry walk in the snow.
Henry walks back to Daddy to try to figure out what Sloan is rigging up with his toy bucket and the old dog leash.
This is what happens when you live where it rarely snows. You have to fashion a sled out of what you have. Gigi and Papa are coming this weekend to see Anderson and Rachel in their play, Narnia. How much you want to bet they bring Henry a sled? Thereby guaranteeing it will never snow in Richmond again.
But Henry likes it nonetheless. We have since borrowed an old school wooden sled from the neighbors whose 15 yr old son I just saw whizzing by on a boogie board.
I like this stuff Mommy. But you might want to consider getting me some gloves. And what was this rumor I heard about hot chocolate? And the movie Cars? And we might get to make more play dough? AWESOME!!!
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