The snow is gone. It is 75 degrees outside with no pollen (yet). And I've begun to shave my legs on a regular basis. Good times. Gigi and Papa (my parents) came in town this weekend to see my niece and nephew in CYT's production of Narnia. If you are in a town with a CYT, take your kids to see their shows. They are toddler friendly and inexpensive. We also spent mad amounts of time outside. And once again, we are having to strip the pickle down on the front porch. Not for snow, but from massive amounts of dirt and sand.
Henry also enjoys "helping" with the yard work.
"Helping" daddy put the tarp away. Much more fun than the sled because a) he is not in a suit that is so puffy he can't move in, and b) when he rolls off it isn't freezing.
"Helping" Mommy with the rocks. I'm pretty sure we live in a quarry. No matter how many rocks I rake up and put into the wheelbarrow, there were still bunches. It didn't help that for every load of rocks I put in, Henry tossed rocks outs.
In case you were distracted by the giant bugger in his nose in the previous picture, that's right, I have my son sitting in a wheelbarrow full of rocks and dirt. It's probably good that we have a son.
Too bad Mommy spent an hour raking rocks. Henry dumped them all out in under a minute.
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