Sloan keeps telling me not to worry that Henry doesn't talk much. That as soon as he does, we're going to be sorry because he probably won't ever shut up. (Just look at who he has for parents--me and a guy in sales. Geesh!)
And remember when I worried that Henry didn't wave to people?
Well, last night, despite the fact that I was sick as a dog and in my jammies (thank God for long trench coats. That's as good as getting dressed, right?), I had to go to Michael's for supplies for these invitations I am making. And Henry waved to every person in the store. If they were walking towards us, he waved and said, "Hi!" and as they passed and walked away, he waved and chirped "Bye!"
He also now says "bye" when we go from one room into the next. And he has also taken to making sure that every door is shut at all times and so this gives him many opportunities to tell things goodbye. It has also now replaced "Night night" and it makes me sort of sad to hear a little "bye!" as I shut his door at night. Couldn't he even pretend to be sad I am leaving?
And he barks whenever he sees a dog. He watched 101 Dalmatians this morning and he howled at the TV.
You'd think he knows he is getting evaluated for speech therapy next week. Maybe he is just trying to tell me that dad was right and I'm seeking to unleash a beast that is best contained.
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