Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It wasn't rocks

I think maybe it wasn't dirt and rocks that made the pickle puke. I spent most of yesterday in bed trying to discern if I'd ever felt so bad. Maybe during labor. During the 15 hours of "med-free my nurses don't think I'm in labor" labor. But I wasn't in THAT much pain. Just the sweaty faced nausea and GI issues that went with it.

I was afraid I might die. Afraid I might not.

And the worst part of nausea (and labor, for that matter) is that you have no idea how long it will last. And rationally, you know you won't feel like that forever, it is just that it is hard to remember a time of wellness and even more difficult to imagine a future without pain and nausea. Somewhere in your mind you think that it can't last longer than 24 hours, right? But geesh, can I make it that long, you wonder.

Well, I made it. Sort of. The thought of food still makes me uneasy. Lunchtime is approaching, and as I begin to think about what I'm going to fix Henry, the thought of the smell of sliced turkey makes my stomach turn. He may be eating cheerios and bananas again for lunch.

And my entire body is sore. My throat. My neck. My back. My ribs. My thighs. I'm going to try to think of my body as doing some sort of involuntary cleanse. Remember when Bette Midler got that parasite and lost a bunch of weight? Maybe I've got a parasite?! One can only dare to dream...


Joy | Love | Chaos said...

I got kicked around by a cold last week, so I feel some of your pain.


Courtney said...

I am so sorry to hear you and your little guy have been sick. Please do feel better soon.

And just think of all that puking as a really great ab workout!

The Little Bear said...

Hope you feel better soon! Sounds sorta suspicious of peanut butter induced salmonella. You haven't been eating the crackers, have you?! :-)

Ali said...

Oh, I was worried when you weren't there on Tues. Thinking back about the rocks etc. I am glad your on the mend and can see the positives :)