FYI...Henry's favorite color of sidewalk chalk to eat is blue.
Henry helped me do some interval training today. For starters, while pushing 50-odd pounds of toddler in a double stroller around Henry's BFF Nathan's neighborhood, Henry kept tossing his matchbox car out of the stroller. And usually when we were cresting a hill. So I'd have to put the brakes on the stroller and then sprint for the convertible PT Cruiser. Then this afternoon, while Sloan was blowing about 3000 pounds of acorns off our driveway and I was raking leaves, Henry kept tottering down the driveway, heading for Smoketree drive. So I'd have to drop the rake and sprint to save my son from the road. And sprinting while you are having a heart attack because school has just let out and there are buses and teenagers leaving high school is a workout. He also thought it was so funny that Mommy was chasing him while she and Daddy were yelling, "No! Stop! Henry this way!" But God was good and had him trip on an acorn and face plant into the driveway, bloodying his nose a bit, but at least now he doesn't run when Mommy sprints towards him.
And you seem to be making some sort of pile here, Mommy. Will it help you if I pick up all these leaves and throw them in the air? They don't really taste good. I tried a couple and they just don't hold a candle to blue sidewalk chalk.
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